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The Show Must Go On

What do you do when a worldwide pandemic brings just about every arm and leg of your business to a grinding halt?

All you can do is adapt, evolve and plan.

At the Causeway Group, we’re involved in a large number of commercial as well as residential properties. There are more people staying at home than ever before so the availability of high quality accommodation has been vitally important. We have fantastic accommodations all over Waterford including in Railway Square, Ozier Park, Cahernane House in Ballytruckle, Adeplhi Quay and many more besides. We’ve seen an increase in demand for these accommodations and we’ve been delighted to provide new homes for dozens

and dozens of people during this pandemic. The world may have slowed down somewhat, but life goes on and people still need food in their bellies and a roof over their heads.

Commercially, things are picking up but investors are inevitably cautious about where they will invest their time and money. We have worked with some of the biggest commercial names in the country and beyond and continue to talk to high level investors on a daily basis. We have units available and are confident that in 2021 there will be a lot more exciting enterprises setting up in Waterford, with the Causeway Group as enthusiastic, supportive partners.

The hospitality industry has undoubtedly been the hardest hit during the pandemic. We have pubs, clubs, restaurants and hotels that have been closed for the most part since March of 2020, when Covid-19 was formally introduced to Ireland. Let me assure you though, these businesses will come back, stronger than before. They’re not gathering dust as we speak. We’ve been painting, redecorating, cleaning, furnishing and planning for their reopening.

Which brings me on to the amazing Causeway Group team. There are some who have had to take career breaks while their place of work is temporarily closed and then there are others who have learned to do their jobs from home, often with children running around their ankles. I am eternally grateful to those that are keeping the Causeway Ship sailing through these rough seas. They are

evolving, and adapting to an ever changing situation and it is because of these amazing employees that when the pandemic does end, we will return better than ever.

Many thanks

Sean Johnson

(Causeway Group)

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